REDIS data()

  本篇文章为你整理了REDIS data()的详细内容,包含有 REDIS data,希望能帮助你了解 REDIS data。


   太短的键值通常也不是好主意,如果你要用”u:1000:pwd”来代替”user:1000:password”,这没有什么问题,但后者更易阅读,并且由此增加的空间消耗相对于key object和value object本身来说很小。当然,没人阻止您一定要用更短的键值节省一丁点儿空间。





 set mykey somevalue


   get mykey




值可以是任何种类的字符串(包括二进制数据),例如你可以在一个键下保存一副jpeg图片。值的长度不能超过512 MB。

  SET 命令有些有趣的操作,例如,当key存在时SET会失败,或相反的,当key不存在时它只会成功。


 set mykey newval nx



   set mykey newval xx





 set counter 100


   incr counter

  (integer) 101

   incr counter

  (integer) 102

   incrby counter 50

  (integer) 152






 set mykey hello


   exists mykey

  (integer) 1

   del mykey

  (integer) 1

   exists mykey

  (integer) 0





 set key some-value


   expire key 5

  (integer) 1

   get key (immediately)


   get key (after some time)




上面的例子使用了EXPIRE来设置超时时间(也可以再次调用这个命令来改变超时时间,使用PERSIST命令去除超时时间 )。我们也可以在创建值的时候设置超时时间:


 set key 100 ex 10


   ttl key

  (integer) 9



要说清楚列表数据类型,最好先讲一点儿理论背景,在信息技术界List这个词常常被使用不当。例如”Python Lists”就名不副实(名为Linked Lists),但他们实际上是数组(同样的数据类型在Ruby中叫数组)

  一般意义上讲,列表就是有序元素的序列:10,20,1,2,3就是一个列表。但用数组实现的List和用Linked List实现的List,在属性方面大不相同。

  Redis lists基于Linked Lists实现。这意味着即使在一个list中有数百万个元素,在头部或尾部添加一个元素的操作,其时间复杂度也是常数级别的。用LPUSH 命令在十个元素的list头部添加新元素,和在千万元素list头部添加新元素的速度相同。

  那么,坏消息是什么?在数组实现的list中利用索引访问元素的速度极快,而同样的操作在linked list实现的list上没有那么快。

  Redis Lists用linked list实现的原因是:对于数据库系统来说,至关重要的特性是:能非常快的在很大的列表上添加元素。另一个重要因素是,正如你将要看到的:Redis lists能在常数时间取得常数长度。

  如果快速访问集合元素很重要,建议使用可排序集合(sorted sets)。可排序集合我们会随后介绍。

  Redis lists 入门

  LPUSH 命令可向list的左边(头部)添加一个新元素,而RPUSH命令可向list的右边(尾部)添加一个新元素。最后LRANGE 命令可从list中取出一定范围的元素:


 rpush mylist A


  (integer) 1

   rpush mylist B

  (integer) 2

   lpush mylist first

  (integer) 3

   lrange mylist 0 -1

  1) "first"

  2) "A"

  3) "B"



注意:LRANGE 带有两个索引,一定范围的第一个和最后一个元素。这两个索引都可以为负来告知Redis从尾部开始计数,因此-1表示最后一个元素,-2表示list中的倒数第二个元素,以此类推。



 rpush mylist 1 2 3 4 5 "foo bar"


  (integer) 9

   lrange mylist 0 -1

  1) "first"

  2) "A"

  3) "B"

  4) "1"

  5) "2"

  6) "3"

  7) "4"

  8) "5"

  9) "foo bar"





 rpush mylist a b c


  (integer) 3

   rpop mylist

   rpop mylist

   rpop mylist






 rpop mylist





正如你可以从上面的例子中猜到的,list可被用来实现聊天系统。还可以作为不同进程间传递消息的队列。关键是,你可以每次都以原先添加的顺序访问数据。这不需要任何SQL ORDER BY 操作,将会非常快,也会很容易扩展到百万级别元素的规模。



  Capped lists



 rpush mylist 1 2 3 4 5


  (integer) 5

   ltrim mylist 0 2

   lrange mylist 0 -1

  1) "1"

  2) "2"

  3) "3"



可以使用Redis来实现生产者和消费者模型,如使用LPUSH和RPOP来实现该功能。但会遇到这种情景:list是空,这时候消费者就需要轮询来获取数据,这样就会增加redis的访问压力、增加消费端的cpu时间,而很多访问都是无用的。为此redis提供了阻塞式访问 BRPOP 和 BLPOP 命令。 消费者可以在获取数据时指定如果数据不存在阻塞的时间,如果在时限内获得数据则立即返回,如果超时还没有数据则返回null, 0表示一直阻塞。



  key 的自动创建和删除

  目前为止,在我们的例子中,我们没有在推入元素之前创建空的 list,或者在 list 没有元素时删除它。在 list 为空时删除 key,并在用户试图添加元素(比如通过 LPUSH)而键不存在时创建空 list,是 Redis 的职责。

  这不光适用于 lists,还适用于所有包括多个元素的 Redis 数据类型 – Sets, Sorted Sets 和 Hashes。




   对一个空的 key 调用一个只读的命令,比如 LLEN (返回 list 的长度),或者一个删除元素的命令,将总是产生同样的结果。该结果和对一个空的聚合类型做同个操作的结果是一样的。

lpush foo 1 2 3

   (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

   type foo


  规则 2 示例:


 lpush mylist 1 2 3


  (integer) 3

   exists mylist

  (integer) 1

   lpop mylist

   lpop mylist

   lpop mylist

   exists mylist

  (integer) 0



Hash 便于表示 objects,实际上,你可以放入一个 hash 的域数量实际上没有限制(除了可用内存以外)。所以,你可以在你的应用中以不同的方式使用 hash。

  HMSET 指令设置 hash 中的多个域,而 HGET 取回单个域。HMGET 和 HGET 类似,但返回一系列值:


 hmget user:1000 username birthyear no-such-field


  1) "antirez"

  2) "1977"

  3) (nil)



你可以在文档中找到 hash 指令的完整列表。

  值得注意的是,小的 hash 被用特殊方式编码,非常节约内存。

  Redis Sets


  Redis Set 是 String 的无序排列。SADD 指令把新的元素添加到 set 中。对 set 也可做一些其他的操作,比如测试一个给定的元素是否存在,对不同 set 取交集,并集或差,等等。


 sadd myset 1 2 3


  (integer) 3

   smembers myset



现在我已经把三个元素加到我的 set 中,并告诉 Redis 返回所有的元素。可以看到,它们没有被排序 —— Redis 在每次调用时可能按照任意顺序返回元素,因为对于元素的顺序并没有规定。

  Redis 有检测成员的指令。一个特定的元素是否存在?


 sismember myset 3


  (integer) 1

   sismember myset 30

  (integer) 0



一个简单的建模方式是,对每一个希望标记的对象使用 set。这个 set 包含和对象相关联的标签的 ID。


  假设新闻 ID 1000 被打上了 1,2,5 和 77 四个标签,我们可以使用一个 set 把 tag ID 和新闻条目关联起来:


 sadd news:1000:tags 1 2 5 77


  (integer) 4



注意:在这个例子中,我们假设你有另一个数据结构,比如一个 Redis hash,把标签 ID 对应到标签名称。

  使用 Redis 命令行,我们可以轻易实现其它一些有用的操作。比如,我们可能需要一个含有 1, 2, 10, 和 27 标签的对象的列表。我们可以用 SINTER 命令来完成这件事。它获取不同 set 的交集。我们可以用:


 sinter tag:1:news tag:2:news tag:10:news tag:27:news


  ... results here ...



获取一个元素的命令是 SPOP,它很适合对特定问题建模。比如,要实现一个基于 web 的扑克游戏,你可能需要用 set 来表示一副牌。假设我们用一个字符的前缀来表示不同花色:


 sadd deck C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 CJ CQ CK


   D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 DJ DQ DK H1 H2 H3

   H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 HJ HQ HK S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

   S7 S8 S9 S10 SJ SQ SK

   (integer) 52



现在,我们想要给每个玩家 5 张牌。SPOP 命令删除一个随机元素,把它返回给客户端,因此它是完全合适的操作。

  但是,如果我们对我们的牌直接调用它,在下一盘我们就需要重新充满这副牌。开始,我们可以复制 deck 键中的内容,并放入 game:1:deck 键中。

  这是通过 SUNIONSTORE 实现的,它通常用于对多个集合取并集,并把结果存入另一个 set 中。但是,因为一个 set 的并集就是它本身,我可以这样复制我的牌:


 sunionstore game:1:deck deck


  (integer) 52



Now it’s a good time to introduce the set command that provides the number

  of elements inside a set. This is often called the cardinality of a set

  in the context of set theory, so the Redis command is called SCARD.


 scard game:1:deck


  (integer) 47



When you need to just get random elements without removing them from the

  set, there is the SRANDMEMBER command suitable for the task. It also features

  the ability to return both repeating and non-repeating elements.

  Redis Sorted sets


  Sorted sets are a data type which is similar to a mix between a Set and

  a Hash. Like sets, sorted sets are composed of unique, non-repeating

  string elements, so in some sense a sorted set is a set as well.

  However while elements inside sets are not ordered, every element in

  a sorted set is associated with a floating point value, called the score

  (this is why the type is also similar to a hash, since every element

  is mapped to a value).

  Moreover, elements in a sorted sets are taken in order (so they are not

  ordered on request, order is a peculiarity of the data structure used to

  represent sorted sets). They are ordered according to the following rule:

If A and B are two elements with a different score, then A B if A.score is B.score.

   If A and B have exactly the same score, then A B if the A string is lexicographically greater than the B string. A and B strings can’t be equal since sorted sets only have unique elements.

Let’s start with a simple example, adding a few selected hackers names as

  sorted set elements, with their year of birth as “score”.


 zadd hackers 1940 "Alan Kay"


  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1957 "Sophie Wilson"

  (integer 1)

   zadd hackers 1953 "Richard Stallman"

  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1949 "Anita Borg"

  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1965 "Yukihiro Matsumoto"

  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1914 "Hedy Lamarr"

  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1916 "Claude Shannon"

  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1969 "Linus Torvalds"

  (integer) 1

   zadd hackers 1912 "Alan Turing"

  (integer) 1



As you can see ZADD is similar to SADD, but takes one additional argument

  (placed before the element to be added) which is the score.

  ZADD is also variadic, so you are free to specify multiple score-value

  pairs, even if this is not used in the example above.

  With sorted sets it is trivial to return a list of hackers sorted by their

  birth year because actually they are already sorted.

  Implementation note: Sorted sets are implemented via a

  dual-ported data structure containing both a skip list and a hash table, so

  every time we add an element Redis performs an O(log(N)) operation. That’s

  good, but when we ask for sorted elements Redis does not have to do any work at

  all, it’s already all sorted:


 zrange hackers 0 -1


  1) "Alan Turing"

  2) "Hedy Lamarr"

  3) "Claude Shannon"

  4) "Alan Kay"

  5) "Anita Borg"

  6) "Richard Stallman"

  7) "Sophie Wilson"

  8) "Yukihiro Matsumoto"

  9) "Linus Torvalds"



Note: 0 and -1 means from element index 0 to the last element (-1 works

  here just as it does in the case of the LRANGE command).

  What if I want to order them the opposite way, youngest to oldest?

  Use ZREVRANGE instead of ZRANGE:


 zrevrange hackers 0 -1


  1) "Linus Torvalds"

  2) "Yukihiro Matsumoto"

  3) "Sophie Wilson"

  4) "Richard Stallman"

  5) "Anita Borg"

  6) "Alan Kay"

  7) "Claude Shannon"

  8) "Hedy Lamarr"

  9) "Alan Turing"



Sorted sets are more powerful than this. They can operate on ranges.

  Let’s get all the individuals that were born up to 1950 inclusive. We

  use the ZRANGEBYSCORE command to do it:


 zrangebyscore hackers -inf 1950


  1) "Alan Turing"

  2) "Hedy Lamarr"

  3) "Claude Shannon"

  4) "Alan Kay"

  5) "Anita Borg"



We asked Redis to return all the elements with a score between negative

  infinity and 1950 (both extremes are included).

  It’s also possible to remove ranges of elements. Let’s remove all

  the hackers born between 1940 and 1960 from the sorted set:


 zremrangebyscore hackers 1940 1960


  (integer) 4



ZREMRANGEBYSCORE is perhaps not the best command name,

  but it can be very useful, and returns the number of removed elements.

  Another extremely useful operation defined for sorted set elements

  is the get-rank operation. It is possible to ask what is the

  position of an element in the set of the ordered elements.


 zrank hackers "Anita Borg"


  (integer) 4



The ZREVRANK command is also available in order to get the rank, considering

  the elements sorted a descending way.

  Lexicographical scores

  With recent versions of Redis 2.8, a new feature was introduced that allows

  getting ranges lexicographically, assuming elements in a sorted set are all

  inserted with the same identical score (elements are compared with the C

  memcmp function, so it is guaranteed that there is no collation, and every

  Redis instance will reply with the same output).

  The main commands to operate with lexicographical ranges are ZRANGEBYLEX,


  For example, let’s add again our list of famous hackers, but this time

  use a score of zero for all the elements:


 zadd hackers 0 "Alan Kay" 0 "Sophie Wilson" 0 "Richard Stallman" 0


   "Anita Borg" 0 "Yukihiro Matsumoto" 0 "Hedy Lamarr" 0 "Claude Shannon"

   0 "Linus Torvalds" 0 "Alan Turing"



Because of the sorted sets ordering rules, they are already sorted



 zrange hackers 0 -1


  1) "Alan Kay"

  2) "Alan Turing"

  3) "Anita Borg"

  4) "Claude Shannon"

  5) "Hedy Lamarr"

  6) "Linus Torvalds"

  7) "Richard Stallman"

  8) "Sophie Wilson"

  9) "Yukihiro Matsumoto"



Ranges can be inclusive or exclusive (depending on the first character),

  also string infinite and minus infinite are specified respectively with

  the + and - strings. See the documentation for more information.

  This feature is important because it allows us to use sorted sets as a generic

  index. For example, if you want to index elements by a 128-bit unsigned

  integer argument, all you need to do is to add elements into a sorted

  set with the same score (for example 0) but with an 8 byte prefix

  consisting of the 128 bit number in big endian. Since numbers in big

  endian, when ordered lexicographically (in raw bytes order) are actually

  ordered numerically as well, you can ask for ranges in the 128 bit space,

  and get the element’s value discarding the prefix.

  If you want to see the feature in the context of a more serious demo,

  check the Redis autocomplete demo.

  Updating the score: leader boards

  Just a final note about sorted sets before switching to the next topic.

  Sorted sets’ scores can be updated at any time. Just calling ZADD against

  an element already included in the sorted set will update its score

  (and position) with O(log(N)) time complexity. As such, sorted sets are suitable

  when there are tons of updates.

  Because of this characteristic a common use case is leader boards.

  The typical application is a Facebook game where you combine the ability to

  take users sorted by their high score, plus the get-rank operation, in order

  to show the top-N users, and the user rank in the leader board (e.g., “you are

  the #4932 best score here”).



  Bitmaps are not an actual data type, but a set of bit-oriented operations

  defined on the String type. Since strings are binary safe blobs and their

  maximum length is 512 MB, they are suitable to set up to 2^32 different


  Bit operations are divided into two groups: constant-time single bit

  operations, like setting a bit to 1 or 0, or getting its value, and

  operations on groups of bits, for example counting the number of set

  bits in a given range of bits (e.g., population counting).

  One of the biggest advantages of bitmaps is that they often provide

  extreme space savings when storing information. For example in a system

  where different users are represented by incremental user IDs, it is possible

  to remember a single bit information (for example, knowing whether

  a user wants to receive a newsletter) of 4 billion of users using just 512 MB of memory.

  Bits are set and retrieved using the SETBIT and GETBIT commands:


 setbit key 10 1


  (integer) 1

   getbit key 10

  (integer) 1

   getbit key 11

  (integer) 0



The SETBIT command takes as its first argument the bit number, and as its second

  argument the value to set the bit to, which is 1 or 0. The command

  automatically enlarges the string if the addressed bit is outside the

  current string length.

  GETBIT just returns the value of the bit at the specified index.

  Out of range bits (addressing a bit that is outside the length of the string

  stored into the target key) are always considered to be zero.

  There are three commands operating on group of bits:

BITOP performs bit-wise operations between different strings. The provided operations are AND, OR, XOR and NOT.

   BITCOUNT performs population counting, reporting the number of bits set to 1.

   BITPOS finds the first bit having the specified value of 0 or 1.

Both BITPOS and BITCOUNT are able to operate with byte ranges of the

  string, instead of running for the whole length of the string. The following

  is a trivial example of BITCOUNT call:


 setbit key 0 1


  (integer) 0

   setbit key 100 1

  (integer) 0

   bitcount key

  (integer) 2



Real time analytics of all kinds.

   Storing space efficient but high performance boolean information associated with object IDs.

For example imagine you want to know the longest streak of daily visits of

  your web site users. You start counting days starting from zero, that is the

  day you made your web site public, and set a bit with SETBIT every time

  the user visits the web site. As a bit index you simply take the current unix

  time, subtract the initial offset, and divide by 3600*24.

  This way for each user you have a small string containing the visit

  information for each day. With BITCOUNT it is possible to easily get

  the number of days a given user visited the web site, while with

  a few BITPOS calls, or simply fetching and analyzing the bitmap client-side,

  it is possible to easily compute the longest streak.

  Bitmaps are trivial to split into multiple keys, for example for

  the sake of sharding the data set and because in general it is better to

  avoid working with huge keys. To split a bitmap across different keys

  instead of setting all the bits into a key, a trivial strategy is just

  to store M bits per key and obtain the key name with bit-number/M and

  the Nth bit to address inside the key with bit-number MOD M.



  A HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure used in order to count

  unique things (technically this is referred to estimating the cardinality

  of a set). Usually counting unique items requires using an amount of memory

  proportional to the number of items you want to count, because you need

  to remember the elements you have already seen in the past in order to avoid

  counting them multiple times. However there is a set of algorithms that trade

  memory for precision: you end with an estimated measure with a standard error,

  in the case of the Redis implementation, which is less than 1%. The

  magic of this algorithm is that you no longer need to use an amount of memory

  proportional to the number of items counted, and instead can use a

  constant amount of memory! 12k bytes in the worst case, or a lot less if your

  HyperLogLog (We’ll just call them HLL from now) has seen very few elements.

  HLLs in Redis, while technically a different data structure, is encoded

  as a Redis string, so you can call GET to serialize a HLL, and SET

  to deserialize it back to the server.

  Conceptually the HLL API is like using Sets to do the same task. You would

  SADD every observed element into a set, and would use SCARD to check the

  number of elements inside the set, which are unique since SADD will not

  re-add an existing element.

  While you don’t really add items into an HLL, because the data structure

  only contains a state that does not include actual elements, the API is the


Every time you want to retrieve the current approximation of the unique elements added with PFADD so far, you use the PFCOUNT.


 pfadd hll a b c d


   (integer) 1

   pfcount hll

   (integer) 4



An example of use case for this data structure is counting unique queries

  performed by users in a search form every day.

  Redis is also able to perform the union of HLLs, please check the

  full documentation for more information.

  Other notable features

  There are other important things in the Redis API that can’t be explored

  in the context of this document, but are worth your attention:

This tutorial is in no way complete and has covered just the basics of the API.

  Read the command reference to discover a lot more.

  Thanks for reading, and have fun hacking with Redis!

  以上就是REDIS data()的详细内容,想要了解更多 REDIS data的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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