Flink SQL 批模式下 ClickHouse 批量写入(flink cdc 写入clickhouse)

  本篇文章为你整理了Flink SQL 批模式下 ClickHouse 批量写入(flink cdc 写入clickhouse)的详细内容,包含有flink批量写入kudu flink cdc 写入clickhouse flink批量更新数据库 flink写入clickhouse优化 Flink SQL 批模式下 ClickHouse 批量写入,希望能帮助你了解 Flink SQL 批模式下 ClickHouse 批量写入。


public class ClickHouseDynamicTableFactory implements DynamicTableSinkFactory {


   public static final String IDENTIFIER = "clickhouse";

   private static final String DRIVER_NAME = "ru.yandex.clickhouse.ClickHouseDriver";

   public static final ConfigOption String URL = ConfigOptions




   .withDescription("the jdbc database url.");

   public static final ConfigOption String TABLE_NAME = ConfigOptions




   .withDescription("the jdbc table name.");

   public static final ConfigOption String USERNAME = ConfigOptions




   .withDescription("the jdbc user name.");

   public static final ConfigOption String PASSWORD = ConfigOptions




   .withDescription("the jdbc password.");

   public static final ConfigOption String FORMAT = ConfigOptions




   .withDescription("the format.");


   public String factoryIdentifier() {

   return IDENTIFIER;


   public Set ConfigOption ? requiredOptions() {

   Set ConfigOption ? requiredOptions = new HashSet ();



   return requiredOptions;


   public Set ConfigOption ? optionalOptions() {

   return new HashSet ();


   public DynamicTableSink createDynamicTableSink(Context context) {

   // either implement your custom validation logic here ...

   final FactoryUtil.TableFactoryHelper helper = FactoryUtil.createTableFactoryHelper(this, context);

   final ReadableConfig config = helper.getOptions();

   // validate all options


   // get the validated options

   JdbcOptions jdbcOptions = getJdbcOptions(config);

   // derive the produced data type (excluding computed columns) from the catalog table

   final DataType dataType = context.getCatalogTable().getResolvedSchema().toPhysicalRowDataType();

   // table sink

   return new ClickHouseDynamicTableSink(jdbcOptions, dataType);

   private JdbcOptions getJdbcOptions(ReadableConfig readableConfig) {

   final String url = readableConfig.get(URL);

   final JdbcOptions.Builder builder = JdbcOptions.builder()




   .setDialect(new ClickHouseDialect());



   return builder.build();




public class ClickHouseDialect implements JdbcDialect {


   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


   public String dialectName() {

   return "ClickHouse";


   public boolean canHandle(String url) {

   return url.startsWith("jdbc:clickhouse:");


   public JdbcRowConverter getRowConverter(RowType rowType) {

   return new ClickHouseRowConverter(rowType);


   public String getLimitClause(long l) {

   return "limit num : " + l;


   public Optional String defaultDriverName() {

   return Optional.of(ClickHouseDriver.class.getName());


   public String quoteIdentifier(String identifier) {

   return "`" + identifier + "`";





public class ClickHouseDynamicTableSink implements DynamicTableSink {


   private final JdbcOptions jdbcOptions;

   private final DataType dataType;

   private static final JdbcExecutionOptions DEFAULT_EXECUTION_OPTIONS = JdbcExecutionOptions.builder()

   // 写入触发数据量阈值


   // 写入触发时间阈值


   // 重试次数



   public ClickHouseDynamicTableSink(JdbcOptions jdbcOptions, DataType dataType) {

   this.jdbcOptions = jdbcOptions;

   this.dataType = dataType;


   public ChangelogMode getChangelogMode(ChangelogMode requestedMode) {

   return requestedMode;



   public SinkRuntimeProvider getSinkRuntimeProvider(Context context) {

   ClickHouseTableEnum tableEnum = ClickHouseTableEnum.valueOf(jdbcOptions.getTableName());

   TableService tableService = new TableServiceImpl(dataType, tableEnum);

   return SinkFunctionProvider.of(new GenericJdbcSinkFunction (

   new JdbcBatchingOutputFormat (

   new SimpleJdbcConnectionProvider(jdbcOptions),


   thisContext - JdbcBatchStatementExecutor.simple(




   // 批模式下,数据对象重复利用,会发生覆盖问题,需要深拷贝对象

   new RowDataConventFunction())));


   public DynamicTableSink copy() {

   return new ClickHouseDynamicTableSink(jdbcOptions, dataType);


   public String asSummaryString() {

   return "ClickHouse Table Sink";


   static class RowDataConventFunction implements JdbcBatchingOutputFormat.RecordExtractor RowData, RowData , Serializable {


   public RowData apply(RowData rowData) {

   BoxedWrapperRowData newRowData = null;

   try {

   newRowData = new BoxedWrapperRowData(rowData.getArity());

   // 利用反射拷贝旧对象的值

   Field field = ReflectUtil.getField(BoxedWrapperRowData.class, "fields");

   Object[] fields = (Object[]) ReflectUtil.getFieldValue(rowData, field);

   Object[] newFields = new Object[fields.length];

   for (int i = 0; i fields.length; i++) {

   newFields[i] = Objects.isNull(fields[i]) ? null : ReflectUtil.invoke(fields[i], "copy");

   ReflectUtil.setFieldValue(newRowData, "fields", newFields);

   } catch (Exception e) {

   log.error("convert error,data:{},", rowData, e);

   return newRowData;




public class ClickHouseRowConverter extends AbstractJdbcRowConverter {


   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   public ClickHouseRowConverter(RowType rowType) {



   public String converterName() {

   return "ClickHouse";







  public interface MyBiFunction T, U, R extends Serializable {

   R apply(T t, U u);



  sql 生成类


public class TableServiceImpl {


   private final List LogicalType logicalTypeList;

   private final String insertSql;

   public TableServiceImpl(DataType dataType, ClickHouseTableEnum tableEnum) {

   this.logicalTypeList = dataType.getLogicalType().getChildren();

   this.insertSql = initInsertSql(tableEnum);

   private static final Map Class ? extends LogicalType , MyBiFunction RowData, Integer, Object FUNCTION_MAP = Maps.newHashMap();

   static {

   // 我的业务中用到的类型,可根据自己的业务,进行增加

   FUNCTION_MAP.put(IntType.class, RowData::getInt);

   FUNCTION_MAP.put(VarCharType.class, RowData::getString);

   FUNCTION_MAP.put(DoubleType.class, RowData::getDouble);

   FUNCTION_MAP.put(BigIntType.class, RowData::getLong);

   FUNCTION_MAP.put(CharType.class, RowData::getString);

   public String getInsertSql() {

   return insertSql;

   public JdbcStatementBuilder RowData getStatementBuilder() {

   return (statement, value) - {

   for (int i = 0; i logicalTypeList.size(); i++) {

   LogicalType logicalType = logicalTypeList.get(i);

   Object realValue = FUNCTION_MAP.get(logicalType.getClass()).apply(value, i);

   statement.setObject(i + 1, realValue);

   // 根据枚举字段配置,生成 insert sql

   public static String initInsertSql(ClickHouseTableEnum tableEnum) {

   List String columns = tableEnum.getColumns().stream().map(ClickHouseTableEnum.ColumnObj::getColumnName).collect(Collectors.toList());

   return String.format("insert into %s (%s) values (%s)"

   , tableEnum.name()

   , StrUtil.join(",", columns)

   , StrUtil.repeatAndJoin("?", columns.size(), ","));

   public static void main(String[] args) {




  clickHouseTable 枚举类




  public enum ClickHouseTableEnum {

   * 测试表,因为业务需要,我定义的 ColumnObj 类,实际用个字符串就ok



   , ColumnObj.of("age")

   private final List ColumnObj columns;

   ClickHouseTableEnum(List ColumnObj columns) {

   this.columns = columns;




   public static class ColumnObj {

   * clickHouse 中字段名称

   private String columnName;

   * flink sql 中获取字段的key

   private String sqlColumnKey;

   * 两个值相同的情况,使用此构造函数

   private ColumnObj(String columnName) {

   this.columnName = columnName;

   this.sqlColumnKey = columnName;



  Spi 配置自定义的工厂

  resources 目录下,创建 META-INF/services 目录









public class Test {


   public static void main(String[] args) {

   // 初始化 批模式环境

   EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().inBatchMode().build();

   Configuration configuration = settings.toConfiguration();

   configuration.set(CoreOptions.DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 5);

   TableEnvironment tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(configuration);

   // 创建 clickHouse 输出表

   // 注意,WITH 后面的参数,table-name 需要跟 clickHouseTable 枚举类中对应上

   tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE out_table_test (\n" +

   " `name` STRING,\n" +

   " `age` INT\n" +

   ") WITH (\n" +

   " connector = clickhouse,\n" +

   " url = jdbc:clickhouse://,\n" +

   " table-name = test\n" +


   Table table = tableEnv.sqlQuery("select alice,18 ");


   // 打印日志

   printLog(tableEnv, table, "test");

   private static void printLog(TableEnvironment tableEnv, Table endTable, String outTableName) {

   String outPrint = "consolePrint_" + outTableName;

   tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE " + outPrint + " " + endTable.getResolvedSchema() + " WITH (\n" +

   " connector = print\n" +



   Table countTable = tableEnv.sqlQuery("select count(*) from " + endTable);

   tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE " + outPrint + "_count " + countTable.getResolvedSchema() + " WITH (\n" +

   " connector = print\n" +


   countTable.executeInsert(outPrint + "_count");



  以上就是Flink SQL 批模式下 ClickHouse 批量写入(flink cdc 写入clickhouse)的详细内容,想要了解更多 Flink SQL 批模式下 ClickHouse 批量写入的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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