Use a data stream()

  本篇文章为你整理了Use a data stream()的详细内容,包含有 Use a data stream,希望能帮助你了解 Use a data stream。

  IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates

  will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the

  current release documentation.

Add documents to a data streamedit

  To add an individual document, use the index API.

  Ingest pipelines are supported.


POST /my-data-stream/_doc/


   "@timestamp": "2020-12-07T11:06:07.000Z",

   "user": {

   "id": "8a4f500d"

   "message": "Login successful"



You cannot add new documents to a data stream using the index API s PUT

  / target /_doc/ _id request format. To specify a document ID, use the PUT

  / target /_create/ _id format instead. Only an

  op_type of create is supported.

  To add multiple documents with a single request, use the bulk API.

  Only create actions are supported.


PUT /my-data-stream/_bulk?refresh


  {"create":{ }}

  { "@timestamp": "2020-12-08T11:04:05.000Z", "user": { "id": "vlb44hny" }, "message": "Login attempt failed" }

  {"create":{ }}

  { "@timestamp": "2020-12-08T11:06:07.000Z", "user": { "id": "8a4f500d" }, "message": "Login successful" }

  {"create":{ }}

  { "@timestamp": "2020-12-09T11:07:08.000Z", "user": { "id": "l7gk7f82" }, "message": "Logout successful" }


To re-open all closed backing indices for a data stream, submit an open index

  API request to the stream:


POST /my-data-stream/_open/


Reindex with a data streamedit

  Use the reindex API to copy documents from an

  existing index, index alias, or data stream to a data stream. Because data streams are

  append-only, a reindex into a data stream must use

  an op_type of create. A reindex cannot update existing documents in a data



POST /_reindex


   "source": {

   "index": "archive"

   "dest": {

   "index": "my-data-stream",

   "op_type": "create"



Update documents in a data stream by queryedit

  Use the update by query API to update documents in a

  data stream that match a provided query:


POST /my-data-stream/_update_by_query


   "query": {

   "match": {

   "": "l7gk7f82"

   "script": {

   "source": " = params.new_id",

   "params": {

   "new_id": "XgdX0NoX"



Delete documents in a data stream by queryedit

  Use the delete by query API to delete documents in a

  data stream that match a provided query:


POST /my-data-stream/_delete_by_query


   "query": {

   "match": {

   "": "vlb44hny"



Update or delete documents in a backing indexedit

  If needed, you can update or delete documents in a data stream by sending

  requests to the backing index containing the document. You ll need:

To get this information, use a search request:


GET /my-data-stream/_search


   "seq_no_primary_term": true,

   "query": {

   "match": {

   "": "yWIumJd7"



"_id": "bfspvnIBr7VVZlfp2lqX",

   "_seq_no": 0,

   "_primary_term": 1,

   "_score": 0.2876821,

   "_source": {

   "@timestamp": "2020-12-07T11:06:07.000Z",

   "user": {

   "id": "yWIumJd7"

   "message": "Login successful"




To update the document, use an index API request with valid

  if_seq_no and if_primary_term arguments:


PUT /.ds-my-data-stream-000003/_doc/bfspvnIBr7VVZlfp2lqX?if_seq_no=0 if_primary_term=1


   "@timestamp": "2020-12-07T11:06:07.000Z",

   "user": {

   "id": "8a4f500d"

   "message": "Login successful"



To delete the document, use the delete API:


DELETE /.ds-my-data-stream-000003/_doc/bfspvnIBr7VVZlfp2lqX


To delete or update multiple documents with a single request, use the

  bulk APIs delete, index, and update actions. For index

  actions, include valid if_seq_no andif_primary_term arguments.


PUT /_bulk?refresh


  { "index": { "_index": ".ds-my-data-stream-000003", "_id": "bfspvnIBr7VVZlfp2lqX", "if_seq_no": 0, "if_primary_term": 1 } }

  { "@timestamp": "2020-12-07T11:06:07.000Z", "user": { "id": "8a4f500d" }, "message": "Login successful" }


  以上就是Use a data stream()的详细内容,想要了解更多 Use a data stream的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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