
  本篇文章为你整理了Druid(druid监控页面)的详细内容,包含有druid连接池配置 druid监控页面 druid是干嘛的 druid被阿里放弃原因 Druid,希望能帮助你了解 Druid。

  Apache Druid (incubating) aggregators based on datasketches library. Sketches are data structures implementing approximate streaming mergeable algorithms. Sketches can be ingested from the outside of Druid or built from raw data at ingestion time. Sketches can be stored in Druid segments as additive metrics.

  To use the datasketches aggregators, make sure you include the extension in your config file:


druid.extensions.loadList=[ druid-datasketches ]




  The following modules are available:

Theta sketch - approximate distinct counting with set operations (union, intersection and set difference).

  Tuple sketch - extension of Theta sketch to support values associated with distinct keys (arrays of numeric values in this specialized implementation).

  Quantiles sketch - approximate distribution of comparable values to obtain ranks, quantiles and histograms. This is a specialized implementation for numeric values.

  HLL sketch - approximate distinct counting using very compact HLL sketch.

  以上就是Druid(druid监控页面)的详细内容,想要了解更多 Druid的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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