SLF4J Manual()

  本篇文章为你整理了SLF4J Manual()的详细内容,包含有 SLF4J Manual,希望能帮助你了解 SLF4J Manual。

   The Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) serves as a simple

   facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, such as

   java.util.logging, logback and reload4j. SLF4J allows the end-user

   to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment

   time. Note that SLF4J-enabling your library/application implies

   the addition of only a single mandatory dependency, namely


   Where are the Maven coordinates?

   At this time if you are only interested in obtaining the

   coordinates for using SLF4J API with a logging backend, you can jump to the relevant section.

   Salient historical changes

   since 1.6.0 If no binding is found on the

   class path, then SLF4J will default to a no-operation


   since 1.7.0 Printing methods in the


   interface now offer variants accepting varargs

   instead of Object[]. This change implies that SLF4J

   requires JDK 1.5 or later. Under the hood the Java compiler

   transforms the varargs part in methods into

   Object[]. Thus, the Logger interface generated by the

   compiler is indistinguishable in 1.7.x from its 1.6.x

   counterpart. It follows that SLF4J version 1.7.x is totally 100%

   no-ifs-or-buts compatible with SLF4J version 1.6.x.

   since 1.7.5 Significant improvement

   in logger retrieval times. Given the extent of the improvement,

   users are highly encouraged to migrate to SLF4J 1.7.5 or later.

   since 1.7.9 By setting the

   slf4j.detectLoggerNameMismatch system property to

   true, SLF4J can automatically spot incorrectly named loggers.

   since 2.0.0 SLF4J API version 2.0.0

   requires Java 8 and introduces a backward-compatible fluent

   logging API. By backward-compatible, we mean that existing logging

   frameworks do not have to be changed in order for the user to

   benefit from the fluent logging API.

   since 2.0.0 SLF4J API version 2.0.0

   relies on the ServiceLoader

   mechanism to find its logging backend. See the relevant FAQ entry for more


   Hello World

   As customary in programming tradition, here is an example

   illustrating the simplest way to output "Hello world" using SLF4J.

   It begins by getting a logger with the name "HelloWorld". This

   logger is in turn used to log the message "Hello World".


import org.slf4j.Logger;


  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

  public class HelloWorld {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

   Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld.class);"Hello World");



   To run this example, you first need to obtain slf4j artifacts. Once that is

   done, add the file

   slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar to your class


   Compiling and running HelloWorld will result in the

   following output being printed on the console.


SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found.


  SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

  SLF4J: See for further details.


   If you are using SLF4J 1.7 or earlier, the message would be:


SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".


  SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

  SLF4J: See for further details.


   This warning is printed because no slf4j provider (or binding)

   could be found on your class path.

   The warning will disappear as soon as you add a provider to your class path. Assuming you add

   slf4j-simple-2.0.6.jar so that your class

   path contains:

Compiling and running HelloWorld will now result in

   the following output on the console.


0 [main] INFO HelloWorld - Hello World


   Typical usage


   The sample code below illustrates the typical usage pattern

   for SLF4J. Note the use of {}-placeholders on line 15. See the

   question "What is the fastest way of logging?" in the FAQ for more details.


 1: import org.slf4j.Logger;


   2: import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

   4: public class Wombat {

   6: final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Wombat.class);

   7: Integer t;

   8: Integer oldT;

  10: public void setTemperature(Integer temperature) {

  12: oldT = t;

  13: t = temperature;

  15: logger.debug("Temperature set to {}. Old value was {}.", t, oldT);

  17: if(temperature.intValue() > 50) {

  18:"Temperature has risen above 50 degrees.");

  19: }

  20: }

  21: }


since 2.0.0 SLF4J API version

   2.0.0 requires Java 8 and introduces a backward-compatible

   fluent logging API. By backward-compatible, we mean that

   existing logging frameworks do not have to be changed in order

   for the user to benefit from the fluent logging API.

   The idea is to build a logging event piece by piece with a LoggingEventBuilder

   and to log once the event is fully built. The

   atTrace(), atDebug(),

   atInfo(), atWarn() and

   atError() methods, all new in the

   org.slf4j.Logger interface, return an instance of


   For disabled log levels, the returned

   LoggingEventBuilder instance does nothing, thus

   preserving the nanosecond level performance of the traditional

   logging interface.

   When using the fluent API, you must terminate the invocation

   chain by calling one of the log() method

   variants. Forgetting to call any of the log()

   method variants will result in no logging regardless of the

   logging level. Fortunately, many IDEs will alert you with a "No

   return value" compiler warning.

   Here are few usage examples:

   The statement


logger.atInfo().log("Hello world.");


   is equivalent to:"Hello world.");


The following log statements are equivalent in their output

   (for the default implementation):


int newT = 15;


  int oldT = 16;

  // using traditional API

  logger.debug("Temperature set to {}. Old value was {}.", newT, oldT);

  // using fluent API, log message with arguments

  logger.atDebug().log("Temperature set to {}. Old value was {}.", newT, oldT);

  // using fluent API, add arguments one by one and then log message

  logger.atDebug().setMessage("Temperature set to {}. Old value was {}.").addArgument(newT).addArgument(oldT).log();

  // using fluent API, add one argument with a Supplier and then log message with one more argument.

  // Assume the method t16() returns 16.

  logger.atDebug().setMessage("Temperature set to {}. Old value was {}.").addArgument(() -> t16()).addArgument(oldT).log();



   The fluent logging API allows the specification of many

   different types of data to a org.slf4j.Logger

   without a combinatorial explosion in the number of methods in

   the Logger interface.

   It is now possible to pass multiple Markers, pass arguments

   with a Supplier

   or pass multiple key-value pairs. Key-value pairs are

   particularly useful in conjunction with log data analysers which

   can interpret them automatically.

   The following log statements are equivalent:


int newT = 15;


  int oldT = 16;

  // using classical API

  logger.debug("oldT={} newT={} Temperature changed.", oldT, newT);

  // using fluent API

  logger.atDebug().setMessge("Temperature changed.").addKeyValue("oldT", oldT).addKeyValue("newT", newT).log();



   The key-value pair variant of the API stores the key-value

   pairs as separates objects. The default implementation as

   shipping in the org.slf4j.Logger class

   prefixes key-value pairs to the message. Logging

   backends are free and even encouraged to offer a more

   customizable behaviour.

As mentioned previously, SLF4J supports various logging

   frameworks. The SLF4J distribution ships with several jar files

   referred to as "SLF4J provider", with each provider

   corresponding to a supported framework. SLF4J 1.7 and earlier

   used the term "binding" for providers.

Binding/provider for log4j version 1.2, a widely used logging framework. Given that log4j 1.x has been declared EOL in 2015

   and again in 2022, as of SLF4J 1.7.35, the slf4j-log4j

   module automatically redirects to the

   slf4j-reload4j module at build time.

   Assuming you wish to continue to use the log4j 1.x framework,

   we strongly encourage you to use slf4j-reload4j

   instead. See below.

Binding/provider for reload4j

   framework. Reload4j is a drop-in replacement for log4j

   version 1.2.7. You also need to place reload4j.jar

   on your class path.


   Binding/provider for java.util.logging, also referred to as JDK 1.4



   Binding/provider for NOP,

   silently discarding all logging.


   Binding/provider for Simple implementation, which outputs all events to

   System.err. Only messages of level INFO and higher are

   printed. This binding may be useful in the context of small



   Binding/provider for Jakarta Commons Logging. This binding will delegate all SLF4J logging to


logback-classic-1.4.5.jar for use with Jakarta EE, requires logback-core-1.4.5.jar



   logback-classic-1.3.5.jar for use with Javax EE, requires logback-core-1.3.5.jar

Native implementation There are also

   SLF4J bindings/providers external to the SLF4J project, e.g. logback which implements

   SLF4J natively. Logbacks

   ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger class is a

   direct implementation of SLF4Js org.slf4j.Logger interface. Thus, using SLF4J

   in conjunction with logback involves strictly zero memory and

   computational overhead.

To switch logging frameworks, just replace slf4j bindings on

   your class path. For example, to switch from java.util.logging

   to log4j, just replace slf4j-jdk14-2.0.6.jar with


   SLF4J does not rely on any special class loader machinery. In

   fact, each SLF4J binding is hardwired at compile time

   to use one and only one specific logging framework. For

   example, the slf4j-log4j12-2.0.6.jar binding is

   bound at compile time to use log4j. In your code, in addition

   to slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar, you simply drop

   one and only one binding of your choice onto the

   appropriate class path location. Do not place more than one

   binding on your class path.

since 2.0.0 As of version 2.0.0,

   SLF4J bindings are called providers. Nevertheless, the general

   idea remains the same. SLF4J API version 2.0.0 relies on the ServiceLoader

   mechanism to find its logging backend. See the relevant FAQ entry for more


The SLF4J interfaces and their various adapters are extremely

   simple. Most developers familiar with the Java language should

   be able to read and fully understand the code in less than one

   hour. No knowledge of class loaders is necessary as SLF4J does

   not make use nor does it directly access any class loaders. As a

   consequence, SLF4J suffers from none of the class loader

   problems or memory leaks observed with Jakarta Commons Logging


   Given the simplicity of the SLF4J interfaces and its

   deployment model, developers of new logging frameworks should

   find it very easy to write SLF4J bindings.


   Authors of widely-distributed components and libraries may

   code against the SLF4J interface in order to avoid imposing a

   logging framework on their end-user. Thus, the end-user may

   choose the desired logging framework at deployment time by

   inserting the corresponding slf4j binding on the classpath,

   which may be changed later by replacing an existing binding with

   another on the class path and restarting the application. This

   approach has proven to be simple and very robust.

   As of SLF4J version 1.6.0, if no binding is found on

   the class path, then slf4j-api will default to a no-operation

   implementation discarding all log requests. Thus, instead of

   throwing a NoClassDefFoundError because the

   org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder class is missing,

   SLF4J version 1.6.0 and later will emit a single warning message

   about the absence of a binding and proceed to discard all log

   requests without further protest. For example, let Wombat be

   some biology-related framework depending on SLF4J for

   logging. In order to avoid imposing a logging framework on the

   end-user, Wombats distribution includes slf4j-api.jar

   but no binding. Even in the absence of any SLF4J binding on the

   class path, Wombats distribution will still work

   out-of-the-box, and without requiring the end-user to download a

   binding from SLF4Js web-site. Only when the end-user decides to

   enable logging will she need to install the SLF4J binding

   corresponding to the logging framework chosen by her.

   Basic rule Embedded components

   such as libraries or frameworks should not declare a dependency

   on any SLF4J binding/provider but only depend on

   slf4j-api. When a library declares a transitive dependency

   on a specific binding, that binding is imposed on the end-user

   negating the purpose of SLF4J. Note that declaring a

   non-transitive dependency on a binding, for example for testing,

   does not affect the end-user.

   SLF4J usage in embedded components is also discussed in the

   FAQ in relation with logging configuration, dependency reduction and


   Declaring project

   dependencies for logging

   Given Mavens transitive dependency rules, for "regular"

   projects (not libraries or frameworks) declaring logging

   dependencies can be accomplished with a single dependency



   within the "org.slf4j:slf4j-api" artifact. You can explicitly

   declare a dependency to it in your pom.xml file as

   shown below. Note that most logging implementations will

   automatically pull-in slf4j-api as a dependency. However, it is

   often a good idea to declare an explicit dependency to slf4j-api

   in order to fix the correct version of slf4j-api your project by

   virtue of of Mavens "nearest definition" dependency mediation


logback-classic 1.3.x (Javax

   EE) If you wish to use logback-classic for Javax EE as the underlying logging

   framework, all you need to do is to declare

   "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic" as a dependency in your

   pom.xml file as shown below. In addition to

   logback-classic-1.3.5.jar, this will

   pull in slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar as well

   as logback-core-1.3.5.jar into your

   project. Note that explicitly declaring a dependency on

   logback-core-1.3.5 or

   slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar is not wrong and

   may be necessary to impose the correct version of said artifacts

   by virtue of Mavens "nearest definition" dependency mediation





   groupId>ch.qos.logback /groupId>

   artifactId>logback-classic /artifactId>

   version>1.3.5 /version>



If you wish to use logback-classic for Jakarta EE as the underlying logging framework,

   all you need to do is to declare

   "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic" as a dependency in your

   pom.xml file as shown below. In addition to

   logback-classic-1.4.5.jar, this

   will pull in slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar as

   well as logback-core-1.4.5.jar

   into your project. Note that explicitly declaring a

   dependency on logback-core-1.4.5

   or slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar is not wrong

   and may be necessary to impose the correct version of said

   artifacts by virtue of Mavens "nearest definition" dependency

   mediation rule.




   groupId>ch.qos.logback /groupId>

   artifactId>logback-classic /artifactId>

   version>1.4.5 /version>



reload4j If you wish to use

   reload4j as the underlying logging framework, all you need to do

   is to declare "org.slf4j:slf4j-reload4j" as a dependency in your

   pom.xml file as shown below. In addition to

   slf4j-reload4j-2.0.6.jar, this will

   pull in slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar as well

   as reload4j-1.2.24.jar into your project.

   Note that explicitly declaring a dependency on

   reload4j-1.2.24.jar or

   slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar is not wrong and

   may be necessary to impose the correct version of said artifacts

   by virtue of Mavens "nearest definition" dependency mediation





   groupId>org.slf4j /groupId>

   artifactId>slf4j-reload4j /artifactId>

   version>2.0.6 /version>



wish to use java.util.logging as the underlying logging

   framework, all you need to do is to declare

   "org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14" as a dependency in your pom.xml

   file as shown below. In addition to

   slf4j-jdk14-2.0.6.jar, this will

   pull in slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar into

   your project. Note that explicitly declaring a dependency on

   slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar is not wrong and

   may be necessary to impose the correct version of said artifact

   by virtue of Mavens "nearest definition" dependency mediation





   groupId>org.slf4j /groupId>

   artifactId>slf4j-jdk14 /artifactId>

   version>2.0.6 /version>



wish to use org.slf4j.simple as the underlying logging

   implementation, all you need to do is to declare

   "org.slf4j:slf4j-simple" as a dependency in your pom.xml

   file as shown below. In addition to

   slf4j-simple-2.0.6.jar, this will

   pull in slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar into

   your project. Note that explicitly declaring a dependency on

   slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar is not wrong and

   may be necessary to impose the correct version of said artifact

   by virtue of Mavens "nearest definition" dependency mediation





   groupId>org.slf4j /groupId>

   artifactId>slf4j-simple /artifactId>

   version>2.0.6 /version>



An SLF4J binding designates an artifact such as

   slf4j-jdk14.jar or slf4j-log4j12.jar used to

   bind slf4j to an underlying logging framework, say,

   java.util.logging and respectively log4j.

   From the clients perspective all versions

   of slf4j-api are compatible. Client code compiled with

   slf4j-api-N.jar will run perfectly fine with slf4j-api-M.jar for

   any N and M. You only need to ensure that the version of your

   binding matches that of the slf4j-api.jar. You do not have to

   worry about the version of slf4j-api.jar used by a given

   dependency in your project.

Mixing different versions of slf4j-api.jar and SLF4J

   binding can cause problems. For example, if you are using

   slf4j-api-2.0.6.jar, then you should also use

   slf4j-simple-2.0.6.jar, using

   slf4j-simple-1.5.5.jar will not work.

However, from the clients perspective all versions of

   slf4j-api are compatible. Client code compiled with

   slf4j-api-N.jar will run perfectly fine with

   slf4j-api-M.jar for any N and M. You only need to

   ensure that the version of your binding matches that of the

   slf4j-api.jar. You do not have to worry about the version of

   slf4j-api.jar used by a given dependency in your project. You

   can always use any version of slf4j-api.jar, and as

   long as the version of slf4j-api.jar and its binding

   match, you should be fine.

   At initialization time, if SLF4J suspects that there may be

   an slf4j-api vs. binding version mismatch problem, it will emit

   a warning about the suspected mismatch.

   Consolidate logging via


   Often times, a given project will depend on various

   components which rely on logging APIs other than SLF4J. It is

   common to find projects depending on a combination of JCL,

   java.util.logging, log4j and SLF4J. It then becomes desirable to

   consolidate logging through a single channel. SLF4J caters for

   this common use-case by providing bridging modules for JCL,

   java.util.logging and log4j. For more details, please refer to

   the page on Bridging legacy APIs.

   Support for JDK Platform Logging (JEP 264)


   Since 2.0.0-alpha5 The

   slf4j-jdk-platform-logging module adds support for JDK Platform Logging.




   groupId>org.slf4j /groupId>

   artifactId>slf4j-jdk-platform-logging /artifactId>

   version>2.0.6 /version>



"Mapped Diagnostic Context" is essentially a map maintained

   by the logging framework where the application code provides

   key-value pairs which can then be inserted by the logging

   framework in log messages. MDC data can also be highly helpful

   in filtering messages or triggering certain actions.

   SLF4J supports MDC, or mapped diagnostic context. If the

   underlying logging framework offers MDC functionality, then

   SLF4J will delegate to the underlying frameworks MDC. Note that

   at this time, only log4j and logback offer MDC functionality. If

   the underlying framework does not offer MDC, for example

   java.util.logging, then SLF4J will still store MDC data but the

   information therein will need to be retrieved by custom user


   Thus, as a SLF4J user, you can take advantage of MDC

   information in the presence of log4j or logback, but without

   forcing these logging frameworks upon your users as


   For more information on MDC please see the chapter on MDC

   in the logback manual.

The desired logging framework can be plugged in at

   deployment time by inserting the appropriate jar file

   (binding) on your class path.

Due to the way that classes are loaded by the JVM, the

   framework binding will be verified automatically very early

   on. If SLF4J cannot find a binding on the class path it

   will emit a single warning message and default to

   no-operation implementation.

SLF4J supports popular logging frameworks, namely log4j,

   java.util.logging, Simple logging and NOP. The logback project supports

   SLF4J natively.

The implementation of JCL over SLF4J, i.e

   jcl-over-slf4j.jar, will allow your project to

   migrate to SLF4J piecemeal, without breaking compatibility

   with existing software using JCL. Similarly,

   log4j-over-slf4j.jar and jul-to-slf4j modules will allow

   you to redirect log4j and respectively java.util.logging

   calls to SLF4J. See the page on Bridging legacy APIs for more


The slf4j-migrator utility

   can help you migrate your source to use SLF4J.

All SLF4J bindings support parameterized log messages

   with significantly improved performance


  以上就是SLF4J Manual()的详细内容,想要了解更多 SLF4J Manual的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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