MySQL -- MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual -- 8.9.5 The Optimizer Cost Model()

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   To generate execution plans, the optimizer uses a cost model

   that is based on estimates of the cost of various operations

   that occur during query execution. The optimizer has a set of

   compiled-in default “cost constants” available to

   it to make decisions regarding execution plans.

   The optimizer also has a database of cost estimates to use

   during execution plan construction. These estimates are stored

   in the server_cost and

   engine_cost tables in the

   mysql system database and are configurable at

   any time. The intent of these tables is to make it possible to

   easily adjust the cost estimates that the optimizer uses when it

   attempts to arrive at query execution plans.

  Cost Model General Operation

  The Cost Model Database

  Making Changes to the Cost Model Database

The server reads the cost model tables into memory at

   startup and uses the in-memory values at runtime. Any

   non-NULL cost estimate specified in the

   tables takes precedence over the corresponding compiled-in

   default cost constant. Any NULL

   estimate indicates to the optimizer to use the compiled-in


   At runtime, the server may re-read the cost tables. This

   occurs when a storage engine is dynamically loaded or when


   statement is executed.

   Cost tables enable server administrators to easily adjust

   cost estimates by changing entries in the tables. It is

   also easy to revert to a default by setting an

   entrys cost to NULL. The

   optimizer uses the in-memory cost values, so changes to

   the tables should be followed by


   take effect.

   The in-memory cost estimates that are current when a

   client session begins apply throughout that session until

   it ends. In particular, if the server re-reads the cost

   tables, any changed estimates apply only to subsequently

   started sessions. Existing sessions are unaffected.

   Cost tables are specific to a given server instance. The

   server does not replicate cost table changes to replicas.

The optimizer cost model database consists of two tables in

   the mysql system database that contain cost

   estimate information for operations that occur during query


   server_cost: Optimizer cost estimates

   for general server operations

   engine_cost: Optimizer cost estimates

   for operations specific to particular storage engines

   The server_cost table contains these



   The name of a cost estimate used in the cost model. The

   name is not case-sensitive. If the server does not

   recognize the cost name when it reads this table, it

   writes a warning to the error log.


   The cost estimate value. If the value is

   non-NULL, the server uses it as the

   cost. Otherwise, it uses the default estimate (the

   compiled-in value). DBAs can change a cost estimate by

   updating this column. If the server finds that the cost

   value is invalid (nonpositive) when it reads this table,

   it writes a warning to the error log.

   To override a default cost estimate (for an entry that

   specifies NULL), set the cost to a

   non-NULL value. To revert to the

   default, set the value to NULL. Then

   execute FLUSH OPTIMIZER_COSTS to tell the server to re-read

   the cost tables.


   The time of the last row update.


   A descriptive comment associated with the cost estimate.

   DBAs can use this column to provide information about why

   a cost estimate row stores a particular value.

   The primary key for the server_cost table

   is the cost_name column, so it is not

   possible to create multiple entries for any cost estimate.

   The server recognizes these cost_name

   values for the server_cost table:

   disk_temptable_create_cost (default

   40.0), disk_temptable_row_cost (default


   The cost estimates for internally created temporary tables

   stored in a disk-based storage engine (either

   InnoDB or MyISAM).

   Increasing these values increases the cost estimate of

   using internal temporary tables and makes the optimizer

   prefer query plans with less use of them. For information

   about such tables, see

   Section 8.4.4, “Internal Temporary Table Use in MySQL”.

   The larger default values for these disk parameters

   compared to the default values for the corresponding

   memory parameters


   memory_temptable_row_cost) reflects the

   greater cost of processing disk-based tables.

   key_compare_cost (default 0.1)

   The cost of comparing record keys. Increasing this value

   causes a query plan that compares many keys to become more

   expensive. For example, a query plan that performs a

   filesort becomes relatively more

   expensive compared to a query plan that avoids sorting by

   using an index.

   memory_temptable_create_cost (default

   2.0), memory_temptable_row_cost

   (default 0.2)

   The cost estimates for internally created temporary tables

   stored in the MEMORY storage engine.

   Increasing these values increases the cost estimate of

   using internal temporary tables and makes the optimizer

   prefer query plans with less use of them. For information

   about such tables, see

   Section 8.4.4, “Internal Temporary Table Use in MySQL”.

   The smaller default values for these memory parameters

   compared to the default values for the corresponding disk

   parameters (disk_temptable_create_cost,

   disk_temptable_row_cost) reflects the

   lesser cost of processing memory-based tables.

   row_evaluate_cost (default 0.2)

   The cost of evaluating record conditions. Increasing this

   value causes a query plan that examines many rows to

   become more expensive compared to a query plan that

   examines fewer rows. For example, a table scan becomes

   relatively more expensive compared to a range scan that

   reads fewer rows.

   The engine_cost table contains these



   The name of the storage engine to which this cost estimate

   applies. The name is not case-sensitive. If the value is

   default, it applies to all storage

   engines that have no named entry of their own. If the

   server does not recognize the engine name when it reads

   this table, it writes a warning to the error log.


   The device type to which this cost estimate applies. The

   column is intended for specifying different cost estimates

   for different storage device types, such as hard disk

   drives versus solid state drives. Currently, this

   information is not used and 0 is the only permitted value.


   Same as in the server_cost table.


   Same as in the server_cost table.


   Same as in the server_cost table.


   Same as in the server_cost table.

   The primary key for the engine_cost table

   is a tuple comprising the (cost_name,


   device_type) columns, so it is not possible

   to create multiple entries for any combination of values in

   those columns.

   The server recognizes these cost_name

   values for the engine_cost table:

   io_block_read_cost (default 1.0)

   The cost of reading an index or data block from disk.

   Increasing this value causes a query plan that reads many

   disk blocks to become more expensive compared to a query

   plan that reads fewer disk blocks. For example, a table

   scan becomes relatively more expensive compared to a range

   scan that reads fewer blocks.

   memory_block_read_cost (default 1.0)

   Similar to io_block_read_cost, but

   represents the cost of reading an index or data block from

   an in-memory database buffer.

   If the io_block_read_cost and

   memory_block_read_cost values differ, the

   execution plan may change between two runs of the same query.

   Suppose that the cost for memory access is less than the cost

   for disk access. In that case, at server startup before data

   has been read into the buffer pool, you may get a different

   plan than after the query has been run because then the data

   is in memory.

For DBAs who wish to change the cost model parameters from

   their defaults, try doubling or halving the value and

   measuring the effect.

   Changes to the io_block_read_cost and

   memory_block_read_cost parameters are most

   likely to yield worthwhile results. These parameter values

   enable cost models for data access methods to take into

   account the costs of reading information from different

   sources; that is, the cost of reading information from disk

   versus reading information already in a memory buffer. For

   example, all other things being equal, setting

   io_block_read_cost to a value larger than

   memory_block_read_cost causes the optimizer

   to prefer query plans that read information already held in

   memory to plans that must read from disk.

   This example shows how to change the default value for



UPDATE mysql.engine_cost


   SET cost_value = 2.0

   WHERE cost_name = io_block_read_cost;



   This example shows how to change the value of

   io_block_read_cost only for the

   InnoDB storage engine:


INSERT INTO mysql.engine_cost


   VALUES (InnoDB, 0, io_block_read_cost, 3.0,

   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, Using a slower disk for InnoDB);



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