Race Conditions and Critical Sections()

  本篇文章为你整理了Race Conditions and Critical Sections()的详细内容,包含有 Race Conditions and Critical Sections,希望能帮助你了解 Race Conditions and Critical Sections。

   A race condition is a concurrency problem that may occur inside a critical section. A critical section

   is a section of code that is executed by multiple threads and where the sequence of execution for the threads

   makes a difference in the result of the concurrent execution of the critical section.

   When the result of multiple threads executing a critical section may differ depending on the sequence in which the threads

   execute, the critical section is said to contain a race condition. The term race condition stems from

   the metaphor that the threads are racing through the critical section, and that the result of that race impacts

   the result of executing the critical section.

   This may all sound a bit complicated, so I will elaborate more on race conditions and critical sections in the

   following sections.

Race conditions can occur when two or more threads read and write the same variable according to one of these two


The read-modify-write pattern means, that two or more threads first read a given variable, then modify

   its value and write it back to the variable. For this to cause a problem, the new value must depend one way or

   another on the previous value. The problem that can occur is, if two threads read the value (into CPU registers)

   then modify the value (in the CPU registers) and then write the values back. This situation is explained in more

   detail later.

   The check-then-act pattern means, that two or more threads check a given condition, for instance if a Map

   contains a given value, and then go on to act based on that information, e.g. taking the value from the Map.

   The problem may occur if two threads check the Map for a given value at the same time - see that the value is

   present - and then both threads try to take (remove) that value. However, only one of the threads can actually

   take the value. The other thread will get a null value back. This could also happen if a Queue was used instead

   of a Map.

As mentioned above, a read-modify-write critical section can lead to race conditions. In this section

   I will take a closer look at why that is.

   Here is a read-modify-write critical section Java code example that may fail if executed

   by multiple threads simultaneously:




   public class Counter {

   protected long count = 0;

   public void add(long value){

   this.count = this.count + value;



   Imagine if two threads, A and B, are executing the add method on the same instance of

   the Counter class. There is no way to know when the operating system switches

   between the two threads. The code in the add() method is not executed as a single atomic instruction by

   the Java virtual machine. Rather it is executed as a set of smaller instructions, similar to this:

B: Adds value 2 to register

   B: Writes register value (2) back to memory. this.count now equals 2

   A: Adds value 3 to register

   A: Writes register value (3) back to memory. this.count now equals 3




   The two threads wanted to add the values 2 and 3 to the counter. Thus the value

   should have been 5 after the two threads complete execution. However, since

   the execution of the two threads is interleaved, the result ends up being different.

   In the execution sequence example listed above, both threads read the value 0 from memory. Then they add their

   individual values, 2 and 3, to the value, and write the result back to memory. Instead of 5, the value left in

   this.count will be the value written by the last thread to write its value. In the above case it is

   thread A, but it could as well have been thread B.


  Race Conditions in Read-Modify-Write Critical Sections

The code in the add() method in the example earlier contains a critical section. When multiple threads

   execute this critical section, race conditions occur.

   More formally, the situation where two threads compete for the same resource, where the

   sequence in which the resource is accessed is significant, is called

   race conditions. A code section that leads to race conditions is called

   a critical section.

As also mentioned above, a check-then-act critical section can also lead to race conditions. If two threads

   check the same condition, then act upon that condition in a way that changes the condition it can lead to

   race conditions. If two threads both check the condition at the same time, and then one thread goes ahead

   and changes the condition, this can lead to the other thread acting incorrectly on that condition.

   To illustrate how a check-then-act critical section can lead to race conditions, look at the following example:




  public class CheckThenActExample {

   public void checkThenAct(Map String, String sharedMap) {


   String val = sharedMap.remove("key");

   if(val == null) {

   System.out.println("Value for key was null");

   } else {

   sharedMap.put("key", "value");



   If two or more threads call the checkThenAct() method on the same CheckThenActExample object,

   then two or more threads may execute the if-statement at the same time, evaluate sharedMap.containsKey("key")

   to true, and thus move into the body code block of the if-statement. In there, multiple threads may

   then try to remove the key,value pair stored for the key "key", but only one of them will actually be able to do it.

   The rest will get a null value back, since another thread already removed the key,value pair.

To prevent race conditions from occurring you must make sure that the critical section is executed as an atomic

   instruction. That means that once a single thread is executing it, no other threads can execute it until the

   first thread has left the critical section.

   Race conditions can be avoided by proper thread synchronization in critical sections. Thread synchronization can be

   achieved using a synchronized block of Java code. Thread synchronization can also

   be achieved using other synchronization constructs like locks or atomic variables

   like java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.

For smaller critical sections making the whole critical section a synchronized block may work. But, for larger

   critical sections it may be beneficial to break the critical section into smaller critical sections, to allow

   multiple threads to execute each a smaller critical section. This may decrease contention on the shared resource,

   and thus increase throughput of the total critical section.

   Here is a very simplified Java code example to show what I mean:

Notice how the add() method adds values to two different sum member variables. To prevent race conditions

   the summing is executed inside a Java synchronized block. With this implementation only a single thread can ever

   execute the summing at the same time.

   However, since the two sum variables are independent of each other, you could split their summing up into two

   separate synchronized blocks, like this:




  public class TwoSums {

   private int sum1 = 0;

   private int sum2 = 0;

   private Integer sum1Lock = new Integer(1);

   private Integer sum2Lock = new Integer(2);

   public void add(int val1, int val2){


   this.sum1 += val1;


   this.sum2 += val2;



Now two threads can execute the add() method at the same time. One thread inside the first synchronized

   block, and another thread inside the second synchronized block. The two synchronized blocks are synchronized on

   different objects, so two different threads can execute the two blocks independently.

   This way threads will have to wait less for each other to execute the add() method.

   This example is very simple, of course. In a real life shared resource the breaking down of critical sections may

   be a whole lot more complicated, and require more analysis of execution order possibilities.

  以上就是Race Conditions and Critical Sections()的详细内容,想要了解更多 Race Conditions and Critical Sections的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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