Apache Tomcat()

  本篇文章为你整理了Apache Tomcat®()的详细内容,包含有 Apache Tomcat®,希望能帮助你了解 Apache Tomcat®。

  Each version of Tomcat is supported for any stable Java release that meets

  the requirements of the final column in the table above.

  Tomcat should also work on any Java early access build that meets the

  requirements of the final column in the table above. For example, users were

  successfully running Tomcat 8 on Java 8 many months before the first stable Java

  8 release. However, users of early access builds should be aware of the


  It is not unusual for the initial early access builds to contain bugs that

   can cause problems for web applications running on Tomcat.

  If the new Java version introduces new language features then the default

   JSP compiler may not support them immediately. Switching the JSP compiler to

   javac may enable these new language features to be used in JSPs.

  If you do discover an problem using a Java early access build, please

   ask for help. The Tomcat users mailing

   list is probably the best place to start.

The releases are described in more detail below to help you determine

  which one is right for you. More details about each release can be found in

  the associated release notes.

  Please note that although we offer downloads and documentation of older

  releases, such as Apache Tomcat 7.x, we strongly encourage users to use the

  latest stable version of Apache Tomcat whenever possible. We recognize that

  upgrading across major versions may not be a trivial task, and some support is

  still offered on the mailing list for users of old versions. However, because

  of the community-driven support approach, the older your version, fewer people

  will be interested or able to support you.

  Alpha / Beta / Stable

  When voting for a release, reviewers specify the stability level that they

  consider the release has reached. Initial releases of a new major version

  typically process from Alpha, through Beta to Stable over a period of several

  months. However, the Stable level is only available once the Java specifications

  the release implements have been finalised. This means a release that in all

  other respects is considered stable, may still be labelled as Beta if the

  specifications are not final.

  The download pages will always show the latest stable release and any newer

  Alpha or Beta release if one exists. Alpha and beta releases are always clearly

  marked on the download pages.

  Stability is a subjective judgement and you should always read carefully the

  release notes for any version you intend to make use of. If you are an early

  adopter of a release, we would love to hear your opinion about its stability as

  part of the vote: it takes place on the development mailinglist.

  Alpha releases may contain large amounts of untested/missing

  functionality required by the specification and/or significant bugs and are not

  expected to run stably for any length of time.

  Beta releases may contain some untested functionality and/or

  a number of relatively minor bugs. Beta releases are not expected to run stably.

  Stable releases may contain a small number of relatively

  minor bugs. Stable releases are intended for production use and are expected to

  run stably for extended periods of time.

  Apache Tomcat 10.1.x

  Apache Tomcat 10.1.x is the current focus of development. It

  builds on Tomcat 10.0.x and implements the Servlet

  6.0, JSP 3.1, EL 5.0, WebSocket 2.1

   and Authentication 3.0 specifications (the versions required by

  Jakarta EE 10 platform).

  Apache Tomcat 10.0.x

  Apache Tomcat 10.0.x builds on Tomcat 9.0.x and implements

  the Servlet 5.0, JSP 3.0,

  EL 4.0, WebSocket 2.0 and

  Authentication 2.0 specifications (the versions required by

  Jakarta EE 9 platform).

  Users of Tomcat 10.0 should be aware that Tomcat 10.0 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 10.0.x should

  upgrade to Tomcat 10.1.x or later.

  Apache Tomcat 9.x

  Apache Tomcat 9.x builds on Tomcat 8.0.x and 8.5.x and

  implements the Servlet 4.0, JSP 2.3,

  EL 3.0, WebSocket 1.1 and

  JASPIC 1.1 specifications (the versions required by Java EE 8

  platform). In addition to this, it includes the following significant


  Adds support for HTTP/2 (requires either running on Java 9 (since Apache Tomcat

   9.0.0.M18) or the Tomcat Native library being installed)

  Adds support for using OpenSSL for TLS support with the JSSE connectors

   (NIO and NIO2)

  Adds support for TLS virtual hosting (SNI)

Apache Tomcat 8.0.x builds on Tomcat 7.0.x and implements the

  Servlet 3.1, JSP 2.3, EL 3.0

  and WebSocket 1.1 specifications. In addition

  to that, it includes the following significant improvements:

  A single, common resources implementation to replace the multiple resource

   extension features provided in earlier versions.

Apache Tomcat 8.5.x supports the same Servlet, JSP, EL, and

  WebSocket Specification versions as Apache Tomcat 8.0.x. In addition to that,

  it also implements the JASPIC 1.1 specification.

  It was created in March 2016 as a fork from Tomcat 9.0.0.M4 (alpha)

  milestone release. It provides HTTP/2 support and other features from

  Tomcat 9.x codebase, while being compatible with Tomcat 8.0 runtime and

  specification requirements. (A stable release of Tomcat 9.0 could not be

  created at that time, as Java EE specifications targeted by Tomcat 9 were

  finalized only a few years later).

  Tomcat 8.5 is thought as a replacement for Tomcat 8.0. Please refer to

  Migration guide for guidance on migrating to

  Tomcat 8.5.

  Apache Tomcat 8.5.x includes the following significant improvements:

Adds support for HTTP/2 (requires the Tomcat Native library)

  Adds support for using OpenSSL for TLS support with the JSSE connectors

   (NIO and NIO2)

  Adds support for TLS virtual hosting (SNI)

There are significant changes in many areas under the hood, resulting in

  improved performance, stability, and total cost of ownership. Please refer

  to the Apache Tomcat 8.5 Changelog for details.

  Users of Tomcat 8.0 should be aware that Tomcat 8.0 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 8.0.x should

  upgrade to Tomcat 8.5.x or later.

  Users of Tomcat 8.5 should be aware that

  end of life has been announced for Tomcat 8.5.

  Users of Tomcat 8.5.x should plan to upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.x or later.

  Apache Tomcat 7.x

  Apache Tomcat 7.x builds upon the improvements made in

  Tomcat 6.0.x and implements the Servlet 3.0,

  JSP 2.2, EL 2.2 and

  WebSocket 1.1 specifications. In addition

  to that, it includes the following improvements:

  Web application memory leak detection and prevention

  Improved security for the Manager and Host Manager applications

  Generic CSRF protection

  Support for including external content directly in a web application

  Refactoring (connectors, lifecycle) and lots of internal code clean-up

Users of Tomcat 7 should be aware that Tomcat 7 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 7.x should upgrade

  to Tomcat 8.5.x or later.

  Apache Tomcat 6.x

  Apache Tomcat 6.x builds upon the improvements made in

  Tomcat 5.5.x and implements the Servlet 2.5 and

  JSP 2.1 specifications. In addition to that, it includes the

  following improvements:

  Memory usage optimizations

  Advanced IO capabilities

  Refactored clustering

Users of Tomcat 6 should be aware that Tomcat 6 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 6.x should

  upgrade to Tomcat 7.x or later.

  Apache Tomcat 5.x

  Apache Tomcat 5.x is available for download from the


  Apache Tomcat 5.5.x supports the same Servlet and JSP

  Specification versions as Apache Tomcat 5.0.x. There are significant changes

  in many areas under the hood, resulting in improved performance, stability,

  and total cost of ownership. Please refer to the Apache Tomcat 5.5 Changelog

  for details.

  Apache Tomcat 5.0.x improves on Apache Tomcat 4.1 in many

  ways, including:

  Performance optimizations and reduced garbage collection

  Refactored application deployer, with an optional standalone deployer

  allowing validation and compilation of a web application before putting

  it in production

  Complete server monitoring using JMX and the manager web application

  Scalability and reliability enhancements

  Improved Taglibs handling, including advanced pooling and tag plugins

  Improved platform integration, with native Windows and Unix wrappers

  Embedding using JMX

  Enhanced Security Manager support

  Integrated session clustering

  Expanded documentation

Users of Tomcat 5 should be aware that Tomcat 5 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 5.x should

  upgrade to Tomcat 7.x or later.

  Apache Tomcat 4.x

  Apache Tomcat 4.x is available for download from the


  Apache Tomcat 4.x implements a new servlet container (called

  Catalina) that is based on completely new architecture. The 4.x releases

  implement the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2


  Apache Tomcat 4.1.x is a refactoring

  of Apache Tomcat 4.0.x, and contains significant enhancements, including:

  JMX based administration features

  JSP and Struts based administration web application

  New Coyote connector (HTTP/1.1, AJP 1.3 and JNI support)

  Rewritten Jasper JSP page compiler

  Performance and memory efficiency improvements

  Enhanced manager application support for integration with development


  Custom Ant tasks to interact with the manager application directly

  from build.xml scripts

Apache Tomcat 4.0.x. Apache Tomcat 4.0.6 is the old production

  quality release. The 4.0 servlet

  container (Catalina) has been developed from the ground up for flexibility and

  performance. Version 4.0 implements the final released versions of the Servlet

  2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications. As required by the specifications, Apache Tomcat 4.0

  also supports web applications built for the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1

  specifications with no changes.

  Users of Tomcat 4 should be aware that Tomcat 4 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 4.x should upgrade to Tomcat 7.x or


  Apache Tomcat 3.x

  Apache Tomcat 3.x is available for download from the


Version 3.3 is the current production quality release for

  the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications. Apache Tomcat 3.3 is the latest

  continuation of the Apache Tomcat 3.x architecture; it is more advanced then 3.2.4,

  which is the old production quality release.

  Version 3.2.4 is the old production quality release and is now in

  maintenance only mode.

  Version 3.1.1 is a legacy release.

All Apache Tomcat 3.x releases trace their heritage back to the

  original Servlet and JSP implementations that Sun donated to the Apache

  Software Foundation. The 3.x versions all implement the Servlet

  2.2 and JSP 1.1 specifications.

  Apache Tomcat 3.3.x. Version 3.3.2 is the current production

  quality release. It continues the refactoring that was begun in version 3.2 and

  carries it to its logical conclusion. Version 3.3 provides a much more modular

  design and allows the servlet container to be customized by adding and removing

  modules that control the processing of servlet requests. This version also

  contains many performance improvements.

  Apache Tomcat 3.2.x. Version 3.2 added few new features

  since 3.1; the major effort was a refactoring of the internals to improve

  performance and stability. The 3.2.1 release, like 3.1.1, was a security

  patch. Version 3.2.2 fixed a large number of bugs and all known

  specification compliance issues. Version 3.2.3 was a security update that

  closes a serious security hole. Version 3.2.4 is a minor bug fix release.

  All users of Apache Tomcat versions prior to 3.2.3 should upgrade as soon as

  possible. With the exception of fixes for critical security related bugs,

  development on the Apache Tomcat 3.2.x branch has stopped.

  Apache Tomcat 3.1.x. The 3.1 release contained several

  improvements over Apache Tomcat 3.0, including servlet reloading, WAR file

  support and added connectors for the IIS and Netscape web servers. The

  latest maintenance release, 3.1.1, contained fixes for security problems.

  There is no active development ongoing for Apache Tomcat 3.1.x. Users of Apache Tomcat

  3.1 should update to 3.1.1 to close the security holes and they are

  strongly encouraged to migrate to the current production release, Apache Tomcat


  Apache Tomcat 3.0.x. Initial Apache Tomcat release.

  Users of Tomcat 3 should be aware that Tomcat 3 has now reached

  end of life. Users of Tomcat 3.x should upgrade to Tomcat 7.x or


  以上就是Apache Tomcat®()的详细内容,想要了解更多 Apache Tomcat®的内容,请持续关注盛行IT软件开发工作室。


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